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Tuesday, 18 November 2014

What Should Be The Length of a Blog Post, Blog Headline & Social Media Updates

How many words make a perfect blog post and what should be the optimal length of a blog headline? Know the optimal length of a LinkedIn post, Facebook post, blog post, blog headline, Twitter, Google+ and others.
What Should Be The Length of a Blog Post, Blog Headline & Social Media Updates
What Should Be The Length of a Blog Post, Blog Headline & Social Media Updates

Length of a tweet — 71 to 100 characters

Tweets, the Twitter posts should be of 71 to 100 characters. Not only does this length gives enough space to write and share your content, it also provides extra space for someone who would like to retweet it after adding their own message.

Length of a Facebook post – 40 characters

Maximum engagement happens at 40 characters and engagement slowly wanes the longer you go. The 40 character Facebook post update and links show the title and description of a post, along with the update text.

Length of a Google+ headline – 60 characters maximum

Google+ updates should be note more than 60 characters. As we know that Google+ updates are often shown as a blogposts with bold headings on the top and text below. These top headings are the first which will grab the attention. The 60 characters limit is the most optimal length for a Google+ post, because its is the maximum length for a Google+ headline.

Length of an SEO title tag – 55 characters

It’s one of the most basic and powerful SEO trick. The SEO title should be of maximum 55 characters. The first 55 characters is only shown in the SEO title text and beyond that everything else is discarded by Google. The text beyond 56th character in the Google search results gets truncated with an ellipsis (…).

Length of a blog headline – 6 words

The optimal length of blog headlines is 6 words. Research finds that our eyes tend to pick up on the first three words of a headline and the last three words, total 6 words. Another research shows that readers consume only the first 11 characters of a headline.

Length of a LinkedIn post – 25 words

Research shows that an ideal length of a LinkedIn post should be around 25 words. Also, the ideal length of LinkedIn post changes as per the type of business: B2B and B2C. An ideal length of a B2B LinkedIn post should be 16-25 words and length of a B2C LinkedIn post should be 21-25 words.

Length of a blogpost – 1,600 words

An ideal length of a blogpost should be 1,600 words. Blog posts of 1600 words engage the readers most. It is believed that readers spend the maximum amount of time reading your content and the total time on page is highest at the 1,600-word length than any other length. Also, the optimal width of a paragraph should be 40 to 55 characters. At this width, the content appears simple to understand and readers can understand the subject.

What Should Be The Length of a Blog Post, Blog Headline & Social Media Updates
What Should Be The Length of a Blog Post, Blog Headline & Social Media Updates

Infographic Source: Buffer Blog


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Item Reviewed: What Should Be The Length of a Blog Post, Blog Headline & Social Media Updates Description: How many words make a perfect blog post and what should be the optimal length of a blog headline? Know the optimal length of a LinkedIn post, Facebook post, blog post, blog headline, Twitter, Google+ and others. Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Felicity Smoke
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